Camp Lejeune cancer lawsuit

US Marines With Cancer Should Gather Their Medical and Service Record To Prepare To File A Lawsuit

The Honoring Our Pact Act also expands benefits to include more than three million post-911 combat veterans

Friday, August 12, 2022 - If you have served in the US Marine Corps and were stationed at Camp Lejeune, you or a family member may have developed Camp Lejeune cancer from drinking the base's VOC -contaminated drinking water. The recently enacted into-law Horing Our Pact Act contains the Camp Lejeune Justice Act which allows marines to file a lawsuit seeking substantial lump-sum monetary compensation. One factor that is sure to come into play during Camp Lejeune water trials is the Marine Corp covering up what they knew about the base's contaminated drinking water wells. Sizable punitive damage awards may result as a way to punish those in charge whose negligence, laziness, and carelessness led to hundreds of thousands of Marines and Marine families being sickened. An important distinction to make is that the Honoring Our Pact Act and Camp Lejeune Justice Act are two separate bills that were combined into one. The HOPA provides all veterans from every branch of the military stationed throughout the country who have served overseas and those who have retired with enhanced health benefits and additional disability income. The HOPA expands benefits to include more than three million post-911 combat veterans that were exposed to toxic air and water from burn pit waste disposal. The Act increased the number of illnesses that are presumed to have been caused by toxic burn pits by 23. Incidentally, the bill expands the money available to the Veterans Administration (VA) to process the massive amount of administrative work that will be required to process the influx of claims expected to be made.

Marines that have developed cancer from drinking Camp Lejeune tap water should speak with a Camp Lejeune water attorney for guidance. The first step to filing a Camp Lejeune water lawsuit is to gather medical records that prove your cancer diagnosis. Second is a copy of your service record that indicates each of your family's places of residence. Marines from Camp Lejeune may file on behalf of themselves and also on behalf of a sick or deceased spouse or child. Each Camp Lejeune water lawsuit will be a separate trial held in North Carolina where the act of sickening the local population took place, and will stand or fall based on the merits of the case. No two cases are expected to be exactly the same but all will be similar in that individuals living on the base and drinking the local tap water developed cancer. Marines and their family member who lived on the Camp Lejeune Marine base Marines have nothing to fear when filing a Camp Lejeune Justice Act lawsuit against the US military as doing so will not jeopardize one's existing military benefits. According to experts, "If you are already receiving medical benefits or other compensation from the V.A. for Camp Lejeune water, you still qualify for filing a claim under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act." The Marine Corp failed to warn the millions of individuals that passed through Camp Lejeune on their way to defend their country. They deserve better than coming home to have to fight an invisible but every bit as deadly enemy.

Information provided by, a website devoted to providing news about Camp Lejeune Justice Act Claim, including a free no-cost, no-obligation Camp Lejeune Justice Act Claim.

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No-Cost, No-Obligation Claim Review for Persons or Families of Persons Who Developed Cancer After Spending 30 Days or More at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1988

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