Camp Lejeune cancer lawsuit

One-Hour Dry Cleaners May Be Responsible For Camp Lejeune Water Contamination

This company has been accused of being primarily responsible for causing the water contamination at Camp Lejeune

Monday, June 12, 2023 - Thousands of Camp Lejeune Justice Act claims have been filed seeking billions of dollars in compensation for the illnesses caused by drinking contaminated tap water. One Hour Dry Cleaners, a small family-owned dry-cleaning business tasked with cleaning and pressing Marine uniforms, has been accused of dumping their toxic dry-cleaning waste chemicals, including the carcinogenic Tetrachloroethylene (PCE), a common dry-cleaning solvent, into their private septic tank system causing groundwater contamination and also improperly buried in the ground onsite. One Hour Dry Cleaners was located off-base at 2127 Lejeune Boulevard in Jacksonville, Onslow County, North Carolina in the County's commercial retail district, and the location has been designated as an EPA Superfund Site. The company operated from 1964 to 2005. The location's dry cleaning operations were halted in 2005 when the company was sold. From 2005, the location was used as a drop-off center and not used for dry cleaning operations, and was bulldozed to the ground in 2017, a concrete slab was laid over the foundation, and an 8-foot high chain-linked fence was placed around the perimeter of the concrete slab erected to prevent people from entering the site. Recent tests have determined that the soil deep underneath the site leading to and beyond the water table continues to be contaminated with PCE. According to the EPA, "Data gathered from the sampling events determined that PCE contamination remains in the soil at the Site and extends from the surface to approximately 65 feet below ground surface. Groundwater contamination was detected at a depth of 150 feet below the ground surface at the Site. The groundwater plume, however, extends from the Site eastward for approximately one mile."

Medical experts and the Veterans Administration agree that repeatedly ingesting water that is contaminated with tetrachloroethylene (PCE), may cause certain types of cancer, and could be responsible for DNA damage. According to, PCE is connected with causing " major related diseases like kidney and bladder cancers, non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) and cardiac defects. Other conditions and medical issues may also result from TCE/PCE exposure." The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) attributes many other sicknesses to being exposed to PCE like "choanal atresia, eye defects, low birth weight, fetal death, major malformations, miscarriage, neural tube defects, oral cleft defects, small for gestational age, breast cancer, cervical cancer, esophageal cancer, lung cancer, Hodgkin's disease, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, rectal cancer, impaired immune system function, neurological effects such as delayed reaction times and problems with memory and perception, neurobehavioral performance deficits, and a severe hypersensitivity skin disorder." PCE symptoms also include neurological health issues. People may attribute the following health abnormalities to drinking PCE-contaminated Camp Lejeune water. According to (CN) "anxiety, changes in mood or personality, confusion, depression, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, involuntary muscle movements (dystonia or dyskinesia), irritability, learning disorders, memory problems, motor problems (balance, coordination, etc.), Parkinson's disease, poor concentration, tension, and tremors." As a side note, every military base in the nation has dry-cleaners on it or nearby and their waste disposal methods should be analyzed.

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No-Cost, No-Obligation Claim Review for Persons or Families of Persons Who Developed Cancer After Spending 30 Days or More at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1988

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