Camp Lejeune cancer lawsuit

Marines Were Warned Not To Expect A Quick Payday From Their Camp Lejeune Justice Act Claim

The Navy is to blame for not processing initial Camp Lejeune Justice Act claims promptly forcing lawsuits

Tuesday, July 18, 2023 - Camp Lejeune water contamination victims, their survivors, and other interested parties were warned from the start not to expect a quick settlement of their Camp Lejeune Justice Act claims. Tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of former US marines, other service members, civilian employees with cancer, and their family members were encouraged that the CLJA overrode the Statute of Repose that limited their ability to file a lawsuit to only 2 years after their disease was presumed to have been caused. Thousands of initial water contamination claims were rejected but have refilled. Their new claims, however, have gone unattended. The Navy has ignored Camp Lejeune Justice Act claims citing that they have neither the money nor manpower to administer to them. Injured servicemembers and the survivors of those who died from water contamination-related illnesses assumed there would be a quick payout to their administrative claim.

According to in an article titled: " Veterans' Camp Lejeune claims are being ignored" the military has yet to pay even one CLJA claim of the thousands that have been filed. Thus tens of thousands of Camp Lejeune water-contaminated lawsuits are in the process of being filed, flooding and overwhelming the Eastern District of North Carolina with Camp Lejeune water lawsuits. “But advocates are warning that tens of thousands of individuals who lived at the North Carolina base will never see a penny from a new law allowing civil suits against the military for water contamination injuries there. And those who do get payouts probably won't see any money for months or years," according to The Navy has allowed the 6-month window for administering a claim to expire for the first six months people have filed a claim dating back to August 2022 when the Act was passed into law.

Given the Navy's lack of empathy for the financial pain marine families are experiencing, it makes one wonder if the military ever intended to pay a claim. What we are now have is a North Carolina court docket that is hopelessly burdened by the extreme number of lawsuits that have been and will be filed in the months to come. Thousands of lawsuits are waiting to be heard which means that many may be grouped together and tried as one of only several lawsuits. Even more likely is the federal government offering a lump-sum settlement to satisfy all plaintiffs at once. To date there has not been an offer, nor has there been a move to try multiple cases in the form of multidistrict litigation. According to, the official website for Camp Lejeune Justice Act claims, " The Department of the Navy (DON) is committed to resolving all claims related to this matter in a fair and timely manner. All claims will be processed as quickly as possible; however, due to the large number of claims anticipated to be received, we cannot forecast an expected processing time. Submitting your claim via email will assist in expediting your claim."">

Information provided by, a website devoted to providing news about Camp Lejeune Justice Act Claim, including a free no-cost, no-obligation Camp Lejeune Justice Act Claim.

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No-Cost, No-Obligation Claim Review for Persons or Families of Persons Who Developed Cancer After Spending 30 Days or More at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1988

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