Camp Lejeune cancer lawsuit

Marines Currently Receiving Benefits Under the 2012 Camp Lejeune Families Act May Qualify To File A Lawsuit

Those receiving medical benefits or other compensation from the V.A. for Camp Lejeune water should speak with a Camp Lejeune Water Attorney

Wednesday, August 17, 2022 - If you are a Marine, civilian employee, or a child who was cared for on the base, and have had a cancer diagnosis or who has died from the disease, you may now file a Camp Lejeune Water lawsuit seeking substantial lump-sum monetary compensation. The Camp Lejeune Justice Act was signed into law by the President of The United States last week. The legislation will permit Marines and civilian employees the right to file a lawsuit against the Marine Corps and the Federal government for negligence, carelessness, and recklessness in failing to warn the population of the water contamination problem on the base. The Marines have been aware since the 1950s that the two main water treatment facilities supplying Camp Lejeune water to marine family housing and single-person barracks along with schools and child care centers on the base contained volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) that could lead to cancer. The Camp Lejeune Justice Act was included with the Horing Our Pact Act that expanded the types of illnesses that are presumed to have been caused by a veteran's exposure to toxic burn pits and PFAS forever chemicals in their drinking water. Water contamination is one of the nation's greatest health concerns because forever chemicals contaminate the water, land, air, and even the rain that falls on everyone and everywhere. A recent study found that 99% of Americans have what could soon become dangerously high levels of PFAS forever chemicals in their bodies and forebode one of the greatest health crises.

Before the Act of 2022, there was the Caring for Camp Lejeune Families Act of 2012 which acknowledged there was a drinking water contamination problem on the base. Many of the parameters that apply to the Camp Lejeune Families Act have been carried over to the Camp Lejeune Justice Act. All that is required under the 2012 legislation is to have served at Camp Lejeune. According to the US Department of Veteran's Affairs, "As a part of the Caring for Camp Lejeune Families Act of 2012, qualifying Veterans can receive all their health care (except dental care) from VA if they served on active duty at Camp Lejeune for at least 30 days between August 1, 1953, and December 31, 1987, even if they don't have a health condition that is presumed to be related to exposure. For individuals with one of the 15 medical conditions presumed to be related to exposure, there is no charge for care. For other health conditions, Veterans will have a co-pay, depending on income and health eligibility priority category." Under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act, the rules are the same. If you are currently receiving medical benefits under 1012 Caring for Families At Camp Lejeune Act, you still qualify to file a lawsuit. According to Camp Lejeune water contamination lawyers, "If you are already receiving medical benefits or other compensation from the V.A. for Camp Lejeune water, you still qualify for filing a claim under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act."

Information provided by, a website devoted to providing news about Camp Lejeune Justice Act Claim, including a free no-cost, no-obligation Camp Lejeune Justice Act Claim.

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No-Cost, No-Obligation Claim Review for Persons or Families of Persons Who Developed Cancer After Spending 30 Days or More at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1988

OnderLaw, LLC is a St. Louis personal injury law firm handling serious injury and death claims across the country. Its mission is the pursuit of justice, no matter how complex the case or strenuous the effort. The Onder Law Firm has represented clients throughout the United States in pharmaceutical and medical device litigation such as Pradaxa, Lexapro and Yasmin/Yaz, where the firm's attorneys held significant leadership roles in the litigation, as well as Actos, DePuy, Risperdal and others. The firm has represented thousands of persons in these and other products liability litigation, including DePuy hip replacement systems, which settled for $2.5 billion and Pradaxa internal bleeding, which settled for $650 million. The Onder Law Firm won over $300 million in four to date and other law firms throughout the nation often seek its experience and expertise on complex litigation.

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