Camp Lejeune cancer lawsuit

Generous Settlement Amounts And Reduced Attorney Fees Can Benefit Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Victims

Others may elect to sue the government because their settlement offer is too low

Saturday, October 21, 2023 - The Camp Lejeune water contamination crisis has precipitated a complex and multi-faceted legal process. While rapid settlement offers will be extended to those who qualify, a substantial number of claimants, along with their legal representation, continue to seek resolution through the court system by filing a Camp Lejeune water lawsuit . They contend that their claims warrant more substantial compensation than the proposed settlements which max out at about $550,000.In addition, the challenges associated with the Camp Lejeune water situation underscore the significance of addressing environmental contamination and guaranteeing that victims receive the full compensation and acknowledgment they merit. Litigation funding plays a pivotal role in ensuring that affected individuals can access justice. An estimated million individuals, encompassing U.S. Marines, other service members, civilian employees, pregnant individuals, and their offspring, are believed to have consistently ingested contaminated water at Camp Lejeune over a prolonged duration. The extent of their stay at Camp Lejeune plays a pivotal role in determining the preset settlement amount, which is established by the Navy and the Department of Defense. Those who resided at the base for at least 30 days may qualify for the minimum payout, whereas individuals who spent over a decade there and developed specific cancers could be entitled to the maximum payout of $450,000. In addition, claimants receiving the expedited lump-sum settlement can benefit from an additional 15% in compensation, with attorney fees capped at 20% for settlement amounts. This cap was introduced in the week following the announcement of the settlement deal.

While some victims may opt for the settlements, many, along with their legal representatives, continue to advocate for the adjudication of the over 1,100 cases that have been filed in federal court. They strive for their day in court, after enduring decades of delayed justice. Since the enactment of the law, around 100,000 individuals have submitted Camp Lejeune Justice Act claims. These claims primarily originate from Marines, civilian employees, and survivors of affected individuals. Another segment includes a multitude of women who suffered miscarriages due to the consumption of contaminated water. The most severe contamination levels were noted at the base hospital, raising questions regarding whether the Marines possessed knowledge of this contamination but failed to alert pregnant women. The settlement offer has left many women who suffered miscarriages and stillbirths feeling overlooked, despite endeavors to expedite litigation through a novel law. These cases have attracted intense scrutiny, with victims feeling neglected, akin to how they felt decades ago.

Recent proposals have been put forth to limit attorney fees to 20-25% of the overall settlement amount, marking a deviation from the customary one-third practice. The intention behind this adjustment is to direct a greater portion of funds toward the affected individuals. This proposal has ignited a debate, challenging the principle that attorneys should shoulder the full cost and risk of bringing a case to court, especially since their fees hinge on a successful outcome. Many contend that capping attorney fees might dissuade individuals who lack the financial capacity to cover litigation costs or compel them to accept reduced settlements. The updated fee structure comes in the wake of settlement offers from the Navy and the Department of Justice. These offers may not meet the expectations of a significant portion of the 100,000 Camp Lejeune Justice Act claimants whose cases have remained unprocessed for over a year. Nearly 1,100 claims have lapsed, leading to the initiation of lawsuits in the Eastern District of North Carolina, where only four judges are available.

Information provided by, a website devoted to providing news about Camp Lejeune Justice Act Claim, including a free no-cost, no-obligation Camp Lejeune Justice Act Claim.

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