Camp Lejeune cancer lawsuit

A Committee Of Seven Attorneys Has Been Appointed To Expedite Camp Lejeune Justice Act Lawsuits

Plaintiff lawyers will manage settlement talks, and discovery, select cases for bellwether trials and communicate with the public

Monday, July 24, 2023 - There is good news for individuals whose Camp Lejeune Justice Act claims have been ignored by the US Navy. Judges overseeing thousands of Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuits have empaneled a group of attorneys representing the majority of plaintiffs to serve as lead attorneys and to help organize and expedite the claims into one or several large groups. More than 70.000 Camp Lejeune Justice Act claims have been filed to date by the latest account and many of them have expired without receiving a penny from the Navy JAG, forcing a lawsuit. The Act allows these people and others who may have their administrative claim rejected for any reason to file a lawsuit in the Eastern District of North Carolina where Camp Lejeune is located. The problem is that there are only four judges available there to hear the cases which now number in the thousands. One lead judge has promised a "rocket docket" hoping to settle the claims quickly. Many US Marines have died from cancer or have suffered financial hardship without having access to funds to pay medical expenses and lost wages. " The judges overseeing the litigation regarding contaminated water at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune have named attorneys from Lieff Cabraser, Keller Postman, Bell Legal Group, and four other law firms to a seven-member leadership team for the plaintiffs," according to Reuters. " The seven lawyers are tasked with managing settlement talks, discovery, selecting cases for bellwether trials and communicating with the public about the cases, which currently total about 1,100, according to Court Clerk Peter Moore Jr." Lead attorneys expect to meet with the appropriate government officials in the next few weeks to hammer out a plan to expedite the claims.

One million United States Marines, along with civilian employees and their families, find themselves facing a grave health crisis due to drinking contaminated Camp Lejeune water. The source of this contamination stems from multiple factors, including a local industrial dry cleaning establishment discharging toxic chemicals, unlined waste disposal landfills leaching hazardous substances, and the use of degreasing agents for weaponry, military equipment, and workshop floors. Disturbingly, it has been uncovered that AF firefighting foam, possibly utilized as a degreaser, contributed to the water contamination problem. The foam's runoff ended up in the local drainage system and, ultimately, the water treatment facilities, exacerbating the contamination. Addressing this health disaster must be a top priority, but for now, the immediate focus is on providing essential assistance to the former Camp Lejeune residents affected. Securing adequate funds for their treatments and compensating for the financial burdens they have endured is paramount. The toll on their health and well-being is profound, and they have had to expend significant resources while being deprived of earning potential. A comprehensive approach to tackling this multifaceted issue is indispensable. Collaborative efforts between government agencies, private enterprises, and community organizations should be set in motion. It demands rigorous water testing and treatment protocols, swift remediation measures for contaminated areas, and the establishment of long-term support systems for those impacted by the calamity. Additionally, stringent regulations must be imposed on industrial operations and waste disposal practices to prevent further harm to both military personnel and residents.">

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No-Cost, No-Obligation Claim Review for Persons or Families of Persons Who Developed Cancer After Spending 30 Days or More at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1988

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